
Monday, September 6, 2010


Though you are belonging to a relegion, you may have noticed that, in pictures, krisna or Christ, whoever it is,there will be a circle of light behind their head!It is of yellow or white.According to Wikipedia, an aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation supposedly surrounding a person or object.In modern science, it is described as an AURA is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds, encompasses and permeates the body as well as all living things. The colors and patterns within this energy field constitute a blueprint (the results of the energy we radiate from our feelings, thoughts, and physical being). Until recently, Aura's were only seen by the special few who had a gift to see the rainbow of colors.The first aura photo was taken by Nicola Tesla in 1891. The USSR expanded on his work through the development of Kirlian photography.
Aura is within all human beings, we have to develope and purify that by good thoughts,inspiration,Helping others and animals ,practicing meditation etc.This developed energy can be emitted as negative or positive according to doers wish.I doubted this from 2 thoughts.
1) From old times,there is a light coming from the hand of Jesus/sreeram/Krishna/Vivekananda.What is it?

The magnetic spiritual aura of Lord Buddha extended to a distance of 3 miles all around. Those who came within the compass of 3 miles were subdued. They became his disciples. The magnetic divine aura of Yogi kaka bhusunda radiated to a distance of eight miles!Add Image

A)I AM thinking that the energy will be unexpectedly emitted/lossed/neutralized when an opponent who have negative power(lacks positive power) touched a Man who posses lot of positive energy, he will loss his power.Unbelievable? Then please answer my question! Why these eminent persons and Saints/Sadhus will not allow anyone to touch their foot?
2)Why Lord vishnu/Brahma/Shiv always meditate even though they are gods?
The answer is right here.Although they are gods, their power will be reduced after transferring their energy to normal people as (anugraha & shapa).And i am blessed enough to give you another proof! You do know that we can hear! its back ground is sound energy is transmitted through vibration of air molecules to our eardrum.So here, we can clearly understand that soundwaves can transmit energy.The mantras used in temples have a high frequency and as usual,they can emit huge amount of energy.The continuous exposure to the mantras will create a huge amount of energy in idols.That is the cause of a freshness and positive energy we attained after a temple visit.Do you ever noticed that why the brahmins who were worship the lord in temple will not allow to touch them?.I guess it is the same reason.

3) The great persons who posses an aura too will always aware about their energy balance in the body.My christian brothers,You do read bible na? Have you ever noticed the upcoming portion?
A woman, she is a victim of bleeding since last 12 years, once see Jesus. But he was in the centre of a huge crowd. She had an intuition! She thought that she will be recovered at least if she can touch the dress of Jesus. As the next, she touched his dress.Bye the walking way Jesus stopped!


5:29 Immediately the flow of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction.

5:30 Immediately Jesus, perceiving in himself that the power had gone out from him, turned around in the crowd, and asked, "Who touched my clothes?"

you can also join me along with my studies and conclusions about Parabrahma..!

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